LinkedIn Selling: Social Selling Strategies to Accelerate New Customer Acquisition and Expand Existing Accounts

Want to improve your new customer acquisition and expand existing? Or simply struggling to get C-level attention?
Are you tired of cold calling and email blasts?
Are you losing well developed business to competition?
Are you being challenged with customer sophistication and growing complexity in sales?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then you are close to finding a solution. We are SalesNair, a social selling evangelist. For past 20  years we have been selling and helping businesses to improve sales productivity. Sales is undergoing rapid changes, budget cuts and shirking margins are driving buying decisions. Sales models are being forced to evolve as buyer expectations are growing high, they hate cold calling and they don’t respond to emails; they want to deal with an expert who can talk beyond product feature and position value that help them to grow their business or address challenges. Most of the opportunities are lost to competition even before sales process starts, because salespeople fail to get C-level attentions.

Does these situations seems familiar to you? It’s evident that you need a new way of selling. More effective strategy to find, engage and convert high value buyer. A systematic approach to strengthen relationship and expand your existing account.

LinkedIn Selling is your guide to sales success.

Future of Sales is Social Selling.
• Acquire LinkedIn Selling skills to future proof your sales career
• Laser focus sales efforts on your future best customers
• Adopt a sophisticated sales approach for sophisticated buyer
• Provoke buyers with insights to take your deals to logical conclusion

This book isn’t about common information that isn’t helpful or doesn’t yield any results. It’s about rock solid LinkedIn strategies and selling processes that helps you to thrive and survive in this ever changing sale environment.

How will your sales results improve?
• A holistic 360 degree perspective on social selling
• Powerful social selling strategies to achieve higher sales results
• Irresistible professional branding that generates instant spark
• Well-defined sales processes to laser focus your efforts on most productive activities
• Tools to curate industry insight and promote your thought leadership
• Turn stalled contacts into prospective buyer
• Apply advanced social selling skills to generate C-level interest
• Effective way to track your progress and improve your sales results

What's Inside:

Introduction Discover the inspiration behind the book and the transformative potential of LinkedIn in modern sales.

Chapter 1: The Digital Sales Landscape- Explore how digitalization and social media are reshaping sales strategies, with a deep dive into social selling.

Chapter 2: Navigating Modern Sales Challenges- Uncover common sales challenges and the unique opportunities LinkedIn offers for overcoming them.

Chapter 3: Building a Powerful Professional Brand- Learn how to create an irresistible LinkedIn profile with strategies and tips for standing out.

Chapter 4: Strategic LinkedIn Selling- Develop a comprehensive plan to harness LinkedIn for selling, including setting clear goals and defining your target audience.

Chapter 5 to 10: Mastering LinkedIn Selling Stages- Detailed guidance through each stage of the LinkedIn selling process, from initiating contact and engaging prospects to qualifying leads and securing commitments.

Chapter 11: Implementing LinkedIn Strategies- Practical tips and strategies for implementing your LinkedIn selling process effectively, including daily activities and performance tracking.

Chapter 12: Conclusion Summarize- key insights and takeaways, empowering you to transform these insights into tangible sales success.

Why This eBook?

Expert Guidance:
Written by seasoned B2B sales expert with firsthand experience in social sales acceleration.

Actionable Strategies:
Each chapter provides actionable advice and practical tips that can be implemented immediately.

Comprehensive Approach:
From understanding the fundamentals to executing advanced strategies, this guide covers everything you need to succeed on LinkedIn.

Who Should Read This eBook?
Sales professionals & leaders looking to boost their digital selling skills.
Marketing leaders seeking to integrate more effective LinkedIn strategies.
Business owners aiming to expand their reach and enhance their market presence.

Implement these LinkedIn Selling techniques and skyrocket your sales. Don’t hesitate to pick up your Free copy today by clicking the Download NOW button at the bottom of this page!

P.S. You’ll be able to notice an improvement in your sales productivity within few weeks. In addition to incredible social branding and prospecting skills to make opportunities flow, you’ll learn how step by step implement LinkedIn Selling strategy effectively to achieve the best in class sales results.

What actionable and realistic LinkedIn Selling tactics you will learn?
• Tool and techniques to promote thought leadership.
• Skills to get C-level and VP level attention of fortune companies
• A rock-solid selling strategy that covers you market from 360 degree
• Powerful messaging framework that leads immediate response
• Tools to measure and improve you’re selling efforts

Order your copy today! Take the first step towards transforming your LinkedIn approach to see real and measurable improvements in your engagement and sales figures.

Order your copy of "LinkedIn Strategies to Accelerate New Customer Acquisition and Expand Existing Accounts" now and start your journey to more effective LinkedIn utilization! 

List Price: Rs.1499/-

Don’t wait! Order Now and start your transformation today!

Thank You! We are excited to assist you on your path to LinkedIn mastery. For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out. Together, let's achieve great things!

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LinkedIn Selling eBook

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